Saskatoon Iranian Cultural Association

Serving Iranian-Canadians in Saskatoon since 2019

From Pre-Arrival to Cultural Promotion

SICA provides services to resident and newcomer Iranians, ranging from pre-arrival readiness to accommodation, educational workshops, regular gatherings, and cultural events. Our goal is to facilitate the integration of newcomers, serve the Iranian community, and promote the Iranian culture and heritage in Canada.

SICA Event


Moving away from your home country is a tremendous change in anyone's life. Your community will support you settle and integrate into the Canadian society.


We will support you ease into your new student life, with differing regulations, and support you post-graduation for finding jobs and venues to residency.


SICA has programs for all Iranian residents, regardless of their residency type. From events to classes and workshops, we plan it for you.


We provide Persian (Farsi) to English translation services, by an ATIS associate member. Special discounts are offered to members of SICA.